Monday, 3 September 2012

Dads vs Lads match

The annual Dads vs Lads match made a nice start to our pre-season warm-up, and, the weather was actually nice!! With the dads keen to display their lacrosse prowess, they were the first to score, but after a close game - where they were slightly outnumbered in the final quarter, the game finished a draw.

Thanks to everyone who made the day a big success, especially to Kari for great refereeing.

A selection of photos are below, and so you can identify those 'retro' players - here are their shirt numbers:

3 - Sean (Ryan's dad)
5 - Lawrie (Cameron's dad)
6 - John H (Ed and Dan's dad)
8 - Justin (Lewis' dad)
9 - Paul (Ben's dad)
12 - Herman (Luca's dad)
15 - Clint
18 - Coach Rolo
19 - John Sharples
20 - Rick (Sam's dad)

All the players - Well Played to everyone

The Retros... they'll be back...

Careful with that stick Mister!

He looks a bit chuffed at being sent off!

All on at once!

Over he goes!

Can he make it through?

Together as one team

Lad down!

Father and son wait for the ball

Cameron out-manoeuvring Jim

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Dads getting into the swing of it

Dodging through the oldsters!

Down on one knee...?

Was that a goal? or, a save?

Waiting for battle to commence!

Good pass from that dad... or... is it the A Team captain...?!!!